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Areas of Focus

Image by Uday Mittal


We deal and treat all forms of anxiety, looking at your experiences with you and helping you with ways to cope and diminish your anxiety. 

Image by Louis Galvez

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Complex PTSD, and Trauma

We can work through your trauma and the effects it can have on your body. The work we do can free you from the grip trauma has over you and your life, and allow you to return to living your life.

Image by Daniel Mingook Kim


When you're dealing with depression, life can feel overwhelming and full of countless struggles, to the point that every single action feels like a challenge. Together, we can work through your feelings, set achievable goals, celebrate the wins, no matter how small they may seem, and build your skill set to best get you through this troubling time. 

Image by Robo Wunderkind

Autism Spectrum Disorder

We can work with you and your loved ones in providing skills, tools, and techniques for dealing and living your best life with ASD, while taking the time to hear what you are saying (if words are your thing!) and expressing. ASD changes the lens through which the individual sees the world, and when we take the time to recognize this and help see things through your lens, things can come into perspective and start to make more sense. We take a strengths-based perspective when working with you, and look at the unique ways in which you see the world as strengths and benefits, as opposed to things that need to be changed or 'fixed'.

Image by Nathália Rosa

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 

We can work through your obsessions (recurrent, persistent, and intrusive thoughts or urges) and compulsions (behaviours or mental acts aimed at preventing or reducing the anxiety), taking their power and control away, and putting you back in the driver's seat.


Developmental Disorders

In addition to ASD, we also work with individuals with other developmental disorders and find that together, when the time is carved out to really listen to what is being communicated, great strives can be made. A strengths-based approach is always taken, where we find your strengths and abilities, and work with them to help you to shine the brightest you possibly can. We can also work with those around you, teaching them the best ways to support and empower you on your journey. 

Image by James A. Molnar


Together we can explore all the unique ins and outs that come along with having a queer identity. We can cover topics ranging from exploring your membership within the community, to coming out and acceptance, to dealing with issues that arise as a result of your identity. 

Image by Thought Catalog

Self Esteem and Self Love

The way we see, and the value we place, on ourselves has far reaching effects on many aspects of our lives. Higher self esteem and better self image lead us to reach happier and richer lives. The love and appreciation we give ourselves often often pales in comparison to that which we give to others in our lives. But why should that be the case? You deserve just as much love as you as you give to others. Together we can raise your self esteem and help you realize the self respect, value, and love you truly deserve.

Pregnant belly

Pregnancy, Prenatal, and Postpartum

The pregnancy journey can be full of ups and downs, and the postpartum period can be exciting but it can also be a time where overwhelm, depression, sorrow, and loss is experienced. However you are feeling, and whatever your journey and experience looks like, we are here to support you and help you through it.

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