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  • Shayna Wilhelmer

Labels... Are They Helpful or Harmful???

Updated: Apr 23, 2023

When we use labels on people we classify them into certain categories or groups, such as identifying someone as a bisexual female or an autistic male. Labels designate and provide membership into groups, and are controversial in that they can both be harmful and helpful to people.

In one sense, a label can be negative and harmful. It can forcefully place people in one of a few predetermined and pre-set boxes that have been established and set by society. Because these boxes, and thus, labels, are limiting, they do not account for the individuality and uniqueness of individuals, and instead shapes and molds them to fit into the pre-established identities and characteristics that go along with the label.

Labels curtail individuals' unique traits, and thus, when displaying characteristics that do not match with the their designated labels, individuals will commonly face discrimination and hatred. Thus, we can see that labels can be defining, which have the potential to limit what can be accomplished by, or expected of, an individual. This is the side of labels that can be harmful, limiting, and place roadblocks in the way of people being their true self.

On the other hand, labels can be very helpful and beneficial. Often times, it can be hard when an individual is different from the norm, and is seen as, and feels different from, everybody else. In this case, labels provide these individuals with membership into a group, allowing them to realize they are not alone in the way are, but there are others who feel, act, or want just as they do. Labels can also serve to normalize behaviours or desires, allowing individuals to realize that what sets them apart is not because there is something inherently flawed with them, but rather, they are part of a unique minority of similar or like-minded individuals who all share the same unique things about them. When labels are taken this way, they encourage membership into a community of similar individuals, which serves to combat isolation and loneliness, as well as simultaneously destroying the notion that there is something wrong or faulty with them.

This leads us to the question, how do we know when we should be using labels? What can be helpful is to assess the situation with each individual to determine if a label is more likely to be beneficial or harmful to them and in their particular situation. It can also be beneficial to ask the person if they like being associated with a particular group, or if they prefer to just be their own unique and independent self. A good thing to do is continually reassess the situation, as the benefits of a label can be present in one situation, but absent in another. Just being aware and conscious of the different elements and aspects of the situation, and how they may be affecting the individual at hand is important, and may change with time.

Essentially, we always want to be careful when choosing to use labels, and the best idea is to check-in with individuals, to gain a better understanding of their feelings surrounding labels. Continuously evaluating the use of labels, and their effects on the individual, is important and essential to best support people who fit into any category outside the mainstream or the 'norm', as society as often refers to it. Just remember, if everyone was the same, and we all fit into one of a few predesignated boxes, the world would be a very boring place.

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